*1990 in Zrenjanin, Serbia
Lives and works in Berlin


2017 – 2020    Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Art, Germany, Meisterschüler

2015 – 2017    Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Art, Germany, Diplom

2009 – 2013    Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Department of Painting, Serbia, Bachelor Studies


2025    Artists in residence | Boghossian Foundation, Brussels, Belgium (upcoming)

2024    Artists in residence | Block Art Cultural Association, Budapest, Hungary (upcoming)

2022    1st Prize of the Young Art Award 2022, Kommunale Galerien Berlin & Kunstverein Centre Bagatelle, Berlin, Germany

2022    NEUSTART KULTUR: Kickstarter-Zuschuss für Absolvent:innen von Kunsthochschulen, Stiftung Kunstfonds, Germany

2021    Grand Prize of the 14th Biennial of Watercolor, Contemporary Gallery Zrenjanin, Serbia

2021    INITIAL Special Grant, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany

2019    4th Prize of the Collage Competition, Willi Münzenberg Forum, Berlin, Germany

2019    1st Prize of the Video Competition, Nordhorn Music Festival, Germany

2018    Hegenbarth Stipendium, Foundation for Art and Culture Dresden of the Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden, Germany

2015    DAAD-Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Fields of Fine Art, Design/Visual Communication and Film

2014    Award in the field of alternative comic, 12th International Comics Festival, Srećna Galerija SKC, Belgrade, Serbia

2013    Praise for drawing on the XVII Biennale of student drawings, Student’s Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Serbia

2013    Annual Award in a field of Painting, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

2013    2nd Prize of the art competition PERSPECTIVES 12, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

2010    Award for the best drawing, Milivoj Nikolajević Fund, Novi Sad, Serbia

Solo exhibitions (selection)

2024    matter that matters, Gallery Zemin, Berlin, Germany

2022    Blindfolded, with Gojko Dutina, Gallery O3ONE, Belgrade, Serbia

2021    Accent - Mind the Gap!, Showcase exhibition, Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden, Germany

2020    walk so lightly, Exhibition of the Hegenbarth scholarship holders 2019: Elise Beutner and Nora Mesaros, Dresden City Art Gallery, Dresden, Germany

2019    I am the House, Gallery Šok Zadruga, Novi Sad, Serbia

2019    Inside out, with Mona Pourebrahim, Gallery Brüderstrasse, Görlitz, Germany

2018    mostly sunny, with Gojko Dutina, Gallery EX14, Dresden, Germany

2017    Negativ Aktiv, with Maria K. Morgenstern, Gallery Senatssaal, Dresden, Germany

2015    Once upon a time in…, Cultural Centre Požega, Serbia

2015    Once upon a time in…, Gallery Šok Zadruga, Novi Sad, Serbia

2014    Collages, Cultural Centre Novi Sad, Serbia

2014    Series of everyday events, Contemporary Gallery Zrenjanin, Serbia

2014    Ordinary stories, Gallery of Contemporary Art Pančevo, Serbia

2014    Drawings, Gallery ART55, Niš, Serbia

Group exhibitions (selection)

2024    Aus dem Koffer, Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany (upcoming)

2024    Neue Kunstwerke der Graphothek, Rathaus-Galerie Reinickendorf, Berlin, Germany

2024    Shortlist, Gallery KünstlerGilde, Esslingen, Germany

2023    The Paths of Cohesion II, MAMŰ Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2023    The Paths of Cohesion I, MMG Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2023    Connecting Worlds - Artists & Travel, Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden, Germany

2023    OSTRALE 023 - Biennale for Contemporary Art, Robotron-Kantine, Dresden, Germany

2023    Utsusu - Chronicle Vol.2, Villa Heike, Berlin, Germany

2022    Kahnweiler-Preis 2022: Arbeiten auf Papier, Museum für Kunst, Rockenhausen, Germany

2022    Young Art Award 2022, Rathaus-Galerie Reinickendorf, Berlin, Germany

2022    Verschwinden, Oktogon, Dresden, Germany

2021    14th Biennial of Watercolor: Incredible (im)possibilities: imagining the institution of the future, Contemporary Gallery Zrenjanin, Serbia

2021    Academy POSITIONS, POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair, Berlin, Germany

2021    art-figura 2021: Distanz, Exhibition on the occasion of the 9. Schwarzenberg Art Prize, Museum PERLA CASTRUM, Schwarzenberg, Germany

2021    Leap and Dive, Gallery U10, Belgrade, Serbia

2020    Existenz // Kapitel 2: Spuren, Oktogon, Dresden, Germany

2020    Meister 20, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany

2020    KUNST(RE_PUBLIC), HALLE 14 – Centre for Contemporary Art, Leipzig, Germany

2019    IMAGE 2019, Contemporary Gallery Zrenjanin, Serbia

2019    Often the future is already there, before we are equal to its challenges. Exhibition of the Prize winners, Willi Münzenberg Forum, Berlin, Germany

2019    Home/Heim/Domov, Gallery DUUL, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic

2019    Art for Humanism, Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Dresden, Germany

2019    art-figura 2019: Nach allen Seiten, Exhibition on the occasion of the 8. Schwarzenberg Art Prize, Museum PERLA CASTRUM, Schwarzenberg, Germany

2019    Ich wohne in der Möglichkeit, Sehsaal, Vienna, Austria

2019    Neuzugänge zeitgenössischer Kunst im Kunstfonds 2018, Vertretung des Freistaates Sachsen beim Bund, Berlin, Germany

2018    partida, CSA La Tabacalera, Madrid, Spain

2018    Finding is the first Act. The second, loss., Neuen Sächsischen Kunstverein, Dresden, Germany

2018    DRAWN (OVER): CONTEMPORARY DRAWING FROM LEROY NEIMAN UNTIL TODAY, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

2018    WIN/WIN 2018, Purchases by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony 2018, HALLE 14 – Centre for contemporary art, Leipzig, Germany

2018    Annual Exhibition of the Finalists of 11. Heise Art Prize, Alte Feuerwache, Dessau, Germany

2018    Existenz // Kapitel 1: Skizzen, Oktogon, Dresden, Germany

2018    Double Trouble, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

2018    Karin Armbruster, Nora Mesaros, Lars Frohberg, Gallery Töplitz, Werder, Germany

2017    Banat Pavilion, Memorial of Revolution, Timisoara, Romania

2017    Exhibition of the art group Híd Kör, SZAB Székház, Szeged, Hungary

2017    Wollen und Können | Sollen und Dürfen, Saxon State Ministry of Science and Art, Dresden, Germany

2017    Diplomausstellung, Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden, Germany

2017    Protagonisten in experimentellen Reichen, Büffelfish Gallery, Dresden, Germany

2016    Causa Obscura, OLG Dresden, Germany

2016    The Evil doesn’t sleep, Gallery of Contemporary Art Niš, Serbia

2016    I’ve seen a dying eye, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

2015    13th international COMICS FESTIVAL, SKC Belgrade, Serbia

2015    The Evil doesn’t sleep, Gallery Šok Zadruga, Novi Sad, Serbia

2015    ComiXconnection, Gallery Dr. Vinko Perčić, Subotica, Serbia

2014    12th international COMICS FESTIVAL, Srećna Galerija SKC, Belgrade, Serbia

2014    Regional exhibition of contemporary arts Banat Pavilion, Apollo Hall, Youth Centre Pančevo, Serbia

2014    Reconsideration of reality, Contemporary Gallery of Zrenjanin, Serbia

2014    Youth Palette, Cultural Centre of Vrbas, Serbia

2013    XVII. Student Drawings Biennale of Serbia, Student’s Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Serbia

2013    Exhibition Youth 2013, Philip Morris Operations a.d. Niš, Serbia

2013    Exhibition of works by students of the final year of the Academy of Arts, Gallery of Fine Arts in the Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić, Novi Sad, Serbia

2013    Exhibition “Perspectives 12“, Šok Zadruga, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

Screenings & Filmfestivals

2023    in our second home, we are all poets, Allgemeiner Konsumverein e.V., Braunschweig, Germany

2023    33 Jahre riesa efau, Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany

2021    HfBK Dresden Shorts Vol. II, Dresden Academy of Fine Art, Dresden, Germany

2020    Experimental Superstars, International Film Festival for Experimental Films, Novi Sad, Serbia

2020    Verstärker Art-Film-Festival, GEH8 Kunstraum, Dresden, Germany

2020    Kurzsüchtig – 17. Middle German Short Film Festival, Felsenkeller, Leipzig, Germany

2019    Short Film Night, Dresden Academy of Fine Art, Germany

2019    Nordhorn Music Festival, Nordhorn, Germany

2019    Lift-Off Online Sessions, Pinewood Studios, United Kingdom

2017    Experimental Superstars, International Film Festival for Experimental Films, Novi Sad, Serbia


2023    The Interview - Film by Nora Mesaros, Workshop Films, risa efau Kultur Forum Dresden, Dresden, Germany

2021    Homage to Joseph Beuys - an animation workshop, workshop leader: Nora Mesaros, Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden, Germany

2021    Verschwinden, Artist book with original works, Idea and concept: Dorothée Billard and Susanne Greinke, Publisher: HfBK Dresden, Dresden, Germany

2019    Open Studios Neukölln, Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln e.V., Berlin, Germany

2019    mentoring_programm, Career Service, HfBK Dresden, Germany

2018    NETZWERK KREATIV 2018: Animated Music Video, Armin Kulla/Nora Mesaros, HfBK Dresden, Germany

2016    Drawing exchange: London: Dresden: Dresden: London, in cooperation with Fine Art at City and Guilds of London Art School, Germany

2016    GRRR!Program, Comik-Workshop, ELEKTRIKA Pančevo, Serbia

2015    Perspektivni biraju Perspektivne, as part of the Jury, MMC Led Art (Šok Zadruga), Novi Sad, Serbia

2015    How did Mita Kombajn got his Nickname, The developement of a Comic in cooperation with Wostok, Pančevo, Serbia

2014    Conversation about drawing, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

2014    Additional Drawing Classes for the Talented, MMC Led Art (Šok Zadruga), Novi Sad, Serbia

2014    Toward the audience (as member of project team), MMC Led Art (Šok Zadruga), Novi Sad, Serbia

2014    Perspectives 2014 (as member of project team), MMC Led Art (Šok Zadruga), Novi Sad, Serbia

2014    Shock gallery programm for 2014 (as member of project team), MMC Led Art (Šok Zadruga), Novi Sad, Serbia


Utsusu - Chronicle Vol.2. Self-published, 2024. Exhibition catalogue

Venticular_fibrillation. OSTRALE - Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, 2023. Exhibition catalogue

Förderpreis Junge Kunst 2022: Nora Mesaros. Bezirksamt Reinickendorf, 2022. Exhibition catalogue

art figura 2021: Distanz. Schwarzenberg: Große Kreisstadt Schwarzenberg, 2021. Exhibition catalogue

Verschwinden: Artist book with original works. Dresden: Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, 2021.

Novosadska ženska proza: Od ispovesti do putopisa. Novi Sad: City of Novi Sad, 2020.

Nora Mesaros, I am the House. Novi Sad: Gallery Šok Zadruga, 2019. Solo exhibition catalogue

Image 2019. Zrenjanin: Contemporary Gallery Zrenjanin, 2019. Exhibition catalogue

Nora Mesaros, Mona Pourebrahim, Inside out. Dresden: Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, 2019. Exhibition catalogue

art figura 2019: Nach allen Seiten. Schwarzenberg: Große Kreisstadt Schwarzenberg, 2019. Exhibition catalogue

DRAWN (OVER): Contemporary Drawing from LeRoy Neiman Until Today. Edited by Mirjana Dušić-Lazić. Novi Sad: Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, 2018. Exhibition catalogue

Banat Pavilion. Edited by Sorina Ianovici-Jecza. Timisoara: Fundatia Triade Timisoara, 2017. Exhibition catalogue

Diplomkatalog 2017. Dresden: Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, 2017. Exhibition catalogue

STRIPOLIS No.09. International Magazine for Comic. Zrenjanin: Cultural Centre of Zrenjanin, 2017. Magazine

STRIPOLIS No.08. International Magazine for Comic. Zrenjanin: Cultural Centre of Zrenjanin, 2016. Magazine

KOMIKAZE. International Magazine for Comic. Zagreb: Udruga Komikaze, 2016. Magazine, Nr. 43.

Annual Catalog 2015. Edited by Slađana Petrović Varagić. Požega: Cultural Centre Požega, 2016. Exhibition catalogue

POLJA. Magazin for Literature and Theory. Novi Sad: Cultural Centre Novi Sad, 2015. Magazine, Nr. 493. Mai – Juni 2015

Nora Mesaros, Collages. Novi Sad: Cultural Centre, 2014. Exhibition catalogue

Nora Mesaros, A Series of everyday events. Zrenjanin: Contemporary Gallery Zrenjanin, 2014. Exhibition catalogue

40. Youth Palette. Vrbas: Cultural Centre of Vrbas, 2014. Exhibition catalogue

Banat Pavilion. Edited by Marijana Kolarić and Nebojša Milenković. Belgrade: National Library Belgrade, 2014. Exhibition catalogue

12. International Comic-Salon. Belgrade: Srećna Galerija SKC, 2014. Exhibition catalogue

The Art of the Youth. Niš: Niš Art Foundation, 2013. Exhibition catalogue

XVII. Student Drawings Biennale of Serbia. Belgrade: Cultural Centre – Studentski Grad, 2013. Exhibition catalogue

Exhibition of works by students of the final year of the Academy of Arts Novi Sad. Novi Sad: Academy of Arts Novi Sad, 2013. Exhibition catalogue

30 x 30. Zrenjanin: Cultural Centre Zrenjanin, 2011. Exhibition catalogue

XVI. Student Drawings Biennale of Serbia. Belgrade: Cultural Centre Studentski Grad, 2011. Exhibition catalogue

The World Biennial Exhibition of Student Photography. Novi Sad: Academy of Arts Novi Sad, 2011. Exhibition catalogue